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Was thinking about subscribing to FCs, but...

...then I checked the bulletin boards and noticed that there was a lot of west coast orientated topics. Is firecareers more concentrated on the west coast, or is there an extensive job listing for elsewhere too?

They have listings for every state, and a lot of them too......
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger",(never give up), Lisa.

Hello Dishwasher, I would invite you to take a look at our Testimonials and see that our service helps people like yourself find a Firecareer anywhere in the U.S.A. Yes you are right we are on the West Coast and we started our business here 22 years ago. However, over 15 years ago we started to do the same recruitment service in the Western 9 states. 8 years ago we started our National service and as you can see from our testimonials we are helping get people on the job everywhere in the U.S. Our locator service does not look at state lines only who is accepting applications. I hope this answered your question and addresses your concerns. If not please write me and I will be more than happy to get you the additional information you need to help you make a decision.