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WE DID IT! This week after a 9 month grind, we have found our new WEB SITE developer and signed a contract that will bring to an all new level.

The Firecareers web site will be changing, and I mean changing. I am looking for YOU to get involved. I have already received many suggestions and comments to make Firecareers a better place for recruitment information. But, I am still looking for more in-put. Just like the new windows 7 operating system, you tell us what you want and we respond to your requests.

Some proposed changes:

*Change in company philosophy from ?Same Day Notification to Information RIGHT NOW?

*Change in the Bulletin Board from simple treaded discussions to a small social network that is for members to use and non-members to only view. Also a members ONLY area to allow the discussions of pending recruitments and other issues that affect members before, during and after the testing process.

*Full integration with My Space, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

*RSS feeds of real time Fire Dept. news from across the Nation.

*You Tube video section.

*Mentors Corner where Fire Service professionals from around the Country Blog each month providing insight and knowledge.

*Full integration with mobile devices to *ssist in the new company philosophy of Information Right Now.

*We are building a New Spider that will help us bring more testing information to the boards than ever before. We will become an ALL INCLUSIVE information resource.

*Members will be able to search fire depts. In the new data base to check on recruitment status.

*Members will have more options to manage recruitment information and notifications.

*New Member incentives, Subscription discounts, and Referral programs.

*Trimming of the ?fat?, we will be closing some of our resources to focus on our primary task of getting you the information you need. We will be closing our retail store, and removing some of the other site resources that don't get used by members. Our site traffic stats will be our guide to close areas that are not being utilized. If you are interested in making sure a resource on the site is continued please let me know.

These are a few of the changes you will see at the NEW FIRECAREERS site. As we get started we are looking for detailed concerns, wants, and issues. Please get involved and contact me with your requests. Even if you think its no big deal, please send it to me. I can't fix something if I don't know its' broken. I want to fix the problems and make the new web site the best site ever.

Big changes for 2010, as the economy recovers and more fire departments hire YOU will get the most up to the minute information for firefighter recruitment never seen before, Right Now.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to providing you with the best service on the web today. Please get your concerns to me ASAP as we are working on a 90 day time line.

Regards, Craig Freeman