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How to Score well on the Human Relations Section of a Fire Test.

I have been studying the usual math, mechanical aptitude, and vocab for my upcoming fire test, but from experience I know there is usually a Human Relations section on most tests which will have various statements (usually ethical ones) like " I will protect the life of others no matter what the cost". Choosing "a" means you strongly agree, "b" you agree, "c" you disagree and, "d" you strongly disagree. Then the next question will be something like " People consider me an extremely giving and protective individual". I want to know if there really are correct answers, even between the choices like agree and strongly agree, for these types of questions or are the testers just looking for consistency with the choices you make?

Thank You

These “Human Relations” questions are typically referred to as “Personality Questions.” Personality characteristics are measured by the Big Five Inventory (BFI). The BFI consists of 44 items that represent five dimensions of personality. Thus, the measures consist of five sub scales: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness. Participants respond to a series of statements using a scale from 1 (Disagree Strongly) to 5 (Agree Strongly), and 16 responses were averaged to create five sub scale scores, which higher scores indicating higher levels of each personality dimension. Examinees who are more agreeable (i.e., compliant), conscientious (i.e., achievement oriented), and open to experience (i.e., curious) should report higher levels of test-taking.


Take a self-test to see where you stand in these five sub scales.  Follow this link to the “The Big Five Inventory Personality Test” once you take the test, submit it and you will receive a score of each of the five categories. 

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