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Maui County Fire Exam

Hello everyone. I did a forum search for Maui and it showed two results but I was unable to click on them and their post date said 1969 so I figured it was an error of some kind. I am scheduled to take the Maui County firefighter exam next month and am just looking to see if anyone has experience with this exam, the PAT, interviews or any general information regarding living in Maui while working as a firefighter. A few questions I have are:

  1. What is the general content of the exam and do you have any suggestions on prepping for it?
  2. What events are in the PAT and what is the swim event?
  3. How is life on the island for a firefighter? Is it tough to live there on the salary and if so, what are some ways to adjust for it? If a second job is needed, what are some folks doing as a secondary income?

I know I'm only taking an exam so I may be jumping the gun trying to get all of this information but I figured it wouldn't hurt to know what I'm potentially in for and it could help others looking for similar answers.
