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medical condition

Hope someone can provide insight for me. I have fainted twice over the past couple years (from what I think is extreme stress; big mortgage, had our first child etc.). At the urging of my wife I saw my doctor who sent me to see a neurlogist "just to be safe". I just got back from my visit and the neurlogist in 20 minutes diagnosed me with a mild form of seizures. The diagnosis was made without having results of an EEG or an MRI that I need to take. I was given a prescription of Kepra and suggested to start taking it. I was also told that the DMV will be contacted with the diagnosis. In additon I will need to report this condition in any medical exam administered on me. I'm testing now and am on the list for one large dept. Should I seek a second opinion? After I relayed my concern to the Doctor regarding my quest for employement within the fire service she seemed to think that it shouldn't hamper my chance, and that she would be happy to right a note on my behalf. Any insight would be much appreciated!

By all means, pursue this matter in depth with other physicians, including specialists. I say this not only for your pending career, but more importantly for your family.

Above all else, you and they deserve peace of mind.

There can be no doubt that your health and welfare is far more important than the Fire Service. You have a spouse and child, and if for no other reason, you owe them an exhaustive pursuit of any medical malady or condition that may effect your well-being.

Start today to document the situations you have experienced, and be certain to maintain a file of EVERYTHING medical about you.

Please stay well, and let us know how you do!

Please no e-mail. Public replies only. Thank you!

Brian thanks for the genuine concern. I guess in my quest and pursuit for my lifelong dream career I have tunnel visioned some of the more important things in life. Thanks for helping paint the bigger picture.