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paying for fire acedemy

I would really like someone to help me out.....the fire academy requires me to pay for it by november...where can i get a loan for credit isnt too good.....d*mn and this is the only thing i can ever see myself doing....please let me know where i can find out about a student loan....i live in miami florida...

Most schools and colleges have information on student loans and student aide. Also alot of schools are offering part-time acedemies now. Check ito what the school you want to goto has to offer.

I agree with the student loan idea. Also consider BORROWING from family and friends. It is important that you get through the academy. It will be instrumental in your getting hired (which will provide you with $ to pay back the loans).

Only you know what your credit history shows. Keep in mind that this is going to be scrutinized when you go to get hired by a FD.
Good luck.
Paul Lepore, Captain
Author of "Smoke Your Firefighter Interview"

Let's size up the situation here and take a hard look.

November is just a few weeks away and you have no funds.
Students loans take time to process and November is just a few weeks away.

Common denominators: No funds and November is a few weeks away.

How much do you need to make it through the academy?
How much do you need to make it past academy graduation until you have a job again?

Would it be totally out of the question to "put off" (notice that I did not say "forget") attending the academy this November? Can you line yourself out in the next year (Or less or more if necessary) by saving up and stocking up? Can you pay off or pay down your bills? I do not know. These things are for you to consider. Let the academy drillmaster/administrator know what your situation is. They have excellent advice and know the ropes. You are not the first to be in this situation.

When I made the decision to get into a city college fire academy, I managed to save up and pay my rent three months in advance. I made a few extra payments on my utilities so that I had a positive balance to last past graduation. I managed to start the fire academy with a zero balance on my credit card. I was able to have a savings account that paid for gas for the daily trip to the academy and home again. I stocked up on groceries (I ate a lot of soup, tuna and PBJ's!)I bought my academy text books six months before the academy started. I applied for student aid a year in advance and I was fortunate that the college paid for my uniforms and boots. Did I mention I started planning all this and more a year in advance of the fire academy?
Oh yeah......I never want to see another can of mushroom soup ever again! Consider these thoughts and best wishes.

there are many option to low income students. I would first start off in the financial aid office. There are many grants available. Also you may qualify to have your tuiton waived if you meet the financial criteria