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Firecareers Moderator/SMOKE Your Interview

Please join me in Congratulating Paul on his new book. Having been in a City Fire House for the past 22 years, and being extremely involved in the recruitment and training process for the last 21 years, I read Captain Lepores? book from cover to cover. ?SMOKE Your Firefighter Interview?, is an absolute have to have book. The book is 100% full of great information for the candidate and gives plenty of insight for the new hire. Congratulations Paul!! is also very proud to announce its? new association with Captain Paul Lepore as our new Bulletin Board Moderator. The new association should make for a positive influence with our members and give added value to the site. So please join me in welcoming Paul to the site. Remember the Firecareers site/staff is here for you. Let us know how we can help you, or how to better serve you. Your comments are always core of our concern, we are here for you. Contact Captain Lepore at

Just Released ?SMOKE Your Firefighter Interview? by Paul S. Lepore.
This new book is now available and ready to ship. Get your copy
today return to the Firecareers site.

Best regards and Good luck, Craig Freeman
This message was edited by Firecareers on 12-3-03 @ 11:25 PM