For those interested or already participating in the process for becoming Los Angeles Firefighters...
The LAFD Recruitment Unit (not to be confused with the City's Personnel Department), will offer free practice CPAT sessions daily from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM starting Februrary 26, 2005.
The LAFD Recruitment Unit will also offer free mock oral interviews starting March 5, 2005.
To schedule your particiaption in either of these free mock preparatory offerings, please call the LAFD Recruitment Unit at (213) 485-8032.
Those who are interested in becoming Los Angeles Firefighters, but have yet to start the process, please visit:
Best Wishes,
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Community Forum
Free LAFD CPAT & Mock Oral...
Please see:
Please no e-mail. Public replies only. Thank you!
Posted on 02/23/2005
by bigdaddyfire
Off your subject....but any news on St Pats parade?