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Fire/Arson/Explosion Investigations

Hi i want to be a fire/arson/explosion Investigator but I dont know how to go about it. It is really interesting to me and i'd like to get into it. If anyone can help me you can email me at Thank you.

While awaiting a reply from the always helpful FireCareers staff, please let me offer that most who enter that field of work have considerable (often required) experience in the Fire Service and/or Law Enforcement.

Even those who appear at first to be independently employed under contract, such as by an insurance company, can trace their work history to include many years, sometimes decades of work in Police and/or Fire Departments.

Still, there are opportunities, and I'd suggest the very first thing you do is contact the publicly employed Investigators from your local Fire and Police Departments to better understand the work, and ideally obtain their support as mentors.

While doing so, you may find these websites to be of interest:

I hope this information proves helpful. The websites listed above, and many other helpful resources can be found at:


Please no e-mail. Public replies only. Thank you!
This message was edited by lafdpso on 5-2-05 @ 10:42 AM