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S-290 Wildland Fire Behavior 3/31- 4/1

For anyone living in the Bay Area and interested in taking S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior, Alameda County Training Officers and the East Bay Regional Park District are hosting this class in Oakland on March 31 - April 4, 2008. There are no prerequisites as all S-190 material will be covered.

Hands down, this is the single most important life-safety course in the NWCG system of certifications. Anyone in a supervisory position on a wildland fire is REQUIRED to have it and every firefighter SHOULD have it.

S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior
March 31 - April 4, 2008
Richard Trudeau Training Center
11500 Skyline Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94619
Cost: $145
Contact (510 690 6610)

This is a great class and we are bringing in two great instructors, Patrick Shreffler (Retired BC, Kern County, Fire Behavior Specialist - 35 years experience) and Mike Smith (NOAA Meteorologist and Incident metorologist).

Career Firefighter- Bay Area, CA
This message was edited by potrzebie on 2-22-08 @ 8:21 AM