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Emt Class Prep

In January I will be taking my EMT class at CIEMT in Long Beach,CA. What can I do to prepare? The time period between now and then is to short to take any classes at a JC. Any ideas or books or classes????

YES! First CIEMT uses the AOSS EMT book...Get it and study it if ready for information to be thrown at you at about 100's accelerated, and they mean it...EYES AND EARS OPEN....MOUTH SHUT...JUST LISTEN! Take incredible will need them...STUDY for every quiz...Matt is NOT kidding...he will kick you out if you dont get an 80%!!!! IM me for more info!

Oh and try to know your AHA CPR before you get there! So if you can find a class in that....All the better!

Experience is something you usually acquire just after you need it!
This message was edited by bigdaddyfire on 10-27-08 @ 12:41 PM