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Hi everybody. I'm preparing to take my first fire exam soon. I've been using some fire prep test books. I've noticed that they dive into mechanical information,map reading. How often do these topics pop up on a fire exam ?
Two that I am preparing to take only mention that reading comp, math and listening comp will be on the test. Can mechanical apptitude and map reading fit into reading comp ? I don't think they can, but I just want to be sure.
What type of math questions should I be going over ?
This message was edited by mellowmtm on 1-29-07 @ 1:13 PM

Both catagories can fit into math, `read`ing comprehension, listening comp.....etc. Don't let your guard down! Be prepared for all aspects on every test!I dont think Ive ever taken a fd test that did not have mechanical advantage on it....

Im re-doing the entire learning proces the process of obtaining my fire sci degree....Im taking basic math courses and english at rio hondo, on top of soon taking an auto mechanic course
Erik Martinez